Sunday, February 7, 2010

My future

In the future, I will probably be doing a job regarding sciences or technology. This is not only because I like science and technology, but also because I don’t have much passion and interest in anything else. Since my mother, father and my brother are all doctors (except for my brother who is trying to become one), I have a feeling that I am also going to become one too. I think it is safe to say, though, that I will not have any job related to languages and history. Therefore, I am planning to take either SL economics or ITGS as my group 3 choice since they do not relate to history.
Looking at my grades in social studies, I can see that most of my grades are all average: around the B range. I believe that this is my weakness, that I always feel satisfied with average grades. I always study until I think I can get a B. I can’t remember the last time I studied until I was absolutely sure that I could get an A. I never do extra credit. I only do what is mandatory. Both my parents and my past teachers have told me this many times, but I can never get this bad habit off me. On the other hand, my strength is that I can finish any type of work and get an okay grade without much sweat. If I put more effort in my work, I am sure my grades can improve by a lot. My long-term goal is to try to think of what I really want to do. I will try my best to accomplish this goal until I get into college. Until then, I will be working on my short-term goal: to fix this bad habit of mine.

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