Friday, February 19, 2010

Speech Reflection

By doing this speech, I have realized that I am definitely not the type of person who can perform great speeches. I sometimes forget what I want to say and stammer a lot, especially in Japanese (etto). I think I can, though, create speeches fairly well. I put effort mostly in the content, and emphasized my points by using the literary devices, such as rhetorical questions and repetition. I used these devises without really noticing, so I think they just naturally occurred.
In my opinion, I think that presentation and content are equally important, and that a great speech is made only when both are high in quality. A speech with great presentation and poor content can attract the audiences’ attention, but the main points of the speech will probably not convey to the audience. If the presentation is poor and the content is good, you can’t catch the audiences’ attention in the first place.
My speech relates to our school’s mission statement in the way that I am trying to persuade people stand up and to stop doing illegal acts so we can compassionately impact not only the world, but ourselves as well.

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